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What is Life Coaching?

Coaching was first developed as a discipline in the early 1980s. It has since expanded into an internationally recognized professional discipline with industry standards and ethics. Professional coaches have credentials from accredited coaching schools. The International Coach Federation (ICF), the leading global organization in the coaching field, defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

What is Ontological Coaching?

Ontological Coaching is a powerful methodology for creating sustainable change.  Ontology is the study of what it means to be human. Ontological coaching focuses on the dynamic, interrelationship between three areas of human existence –language, emotions and body. Coaching in these three areas can result in fundamental shifts in self-perception and what is possible.

Who Hires a Life Coach?

Those who:

  • Want to grown and learn

  • Want to go beyond their present limitations

  • Want their lives to work better and easier

  • Commit to creating results in their lives

What are my benefits with you as my Life Coach?

There are several benefits to having me as your life coach. Here are seven:

  1. Clarity on what you want to do with your life

  2. More freedom to pursue your dreams and goals

  3. Improved relationships with your family, friends, co-workers

  4. Energy and vitality to accomplish your daily tasks

  5. Confidence to deal with life’s challenges and obstacles

  6. Joy and fulfillment in all you do

  7. Better balance between work and home responsibilities

What's the difference between Coaching & Therapy?

Coaching explores new ways of being and thinking, new ways of taking action. Therapy deals with past issues and how you became who you are today. Coaching focuses on who you are and where you want to go. Therapy attempts to “peel back the onion” to get to the core of the person.

What's the difference between Coaching & Mentoring?

Coaching isn’t about giving you the answers. Coaching invents the future based on the possibilities you discover and the declarations you make. Mentoring relies on the experience and history of the older, wiser more experienced mentor. A coach, unlike a mentor who provides the “wise opinion,” clears the way out of confusion but doesn’t ever control what shows up.

What's the difference between Coaching & Teaching?

Coaching is about asking questions and allowing you to discover you own answers. Teaching focuses on improving your knowledge and skills. A coach is someone who expands your possibilities and provides you with the capacity to take new actions that would not be possible without the observations and interventions of the coach.

What's the difference between Coaching & a Friend, Spouse or Partner?

Friends, spouses and partners can be a good source of love and support. Coaching is more than a good heart-to-heart; it’s about enabling growth and joy. A coach brings an objectivity that a friend cannot provide. A coach holds you accountable for following through on your actions. A coach helps you discover your authentic self to give you the freedom to act consistently with what is essential for you.

Can't Anyone Coach?

Coaching is a specialized discipline. A coach is experienced in effective communication and interpersonal skills, and supports your growth. While anyone can “dabble” at coaching, not everyone can practice effective coaching.

How do I know Coaching will work for me?

You won’t know until you try. If you are not satisfied with the results, stop. But if you are committed to a more joyful life, to becoming your authentic self, coaching will work for you. Ask yourself, “What is the cost of not living my life with joy, meaning, and purpose?”

How long does Coaching take?

That is up to you and what you want to accomplish. I recommend that you make a commitment to Coaching for at least four months in order to really experience the benefits and to firmly establish positive progress. Some people may choose to continue for another one or two months. Of course, you are completely free to cancel the coaching partnership at any time it ceases to meet your needs.

I don't know if I can afford a Life Coach.

Are you getting your money’s worth in your life? How much money are you spending now on making yourself happy by shopping, drinking, eating out, and smoking? How you spend your money is one way of showing the world what is important to you. Your money follows your priorities.  Are you content with the value you’ve placed on your life? To create a joyful and meaningful life means going beyond superficial fixes. Are you important enough to spend money on creating real value in your life? What would it cost you to not live your life with joy, meaning and purpose?

I'm doing okay, why hire a Coach?

No one “needs” a Coach, but almost everyone who is trying to accomplish something in his or her life can benefit from one. A Life Coach does for your soul what an athletic coach does for your body. A Life Coach will encourage and challenge you to move beyond your perceived limitations, will bring out the best within you, and help you achieve results beyond your expectations of what is possible!

"Fate is what happens to you.

Destiny is how you respond."

Jim Curtan

Ready to start your growth journey?

Contact Life Coach Carmen A. Rivera

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Daytona Beach, Florida


Tel: 703.855.6913


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